More Audience Reviews
"This is a beautiful story of vulnerability, resiliency and new hope artfully brought to life with the power of words and talented acting."
"What a delight. Your life story is encouraging for me, a 53-year-old lady, who is about to graduate with my master’s degree. I look forward to reading your book and giving copies of it to my friends."
"The only other one-person performance I’ve seen was David Sedaris. I far preferred yours! Thank you."
"Wow! What a gift! Here I am in my second full weekend in Santa Fe, having moved from Northern California at 46 years old, to begin a new life. On my own. Attending plays by myself (and taking note of other single women in the audience.) I feel like this was a great big welcome show. Thank you for writing. Thank you for performing. I loved it. I’ll be thrilled to read your book."
"I think your performance was inspiring & gives one a new perspective on life’s opportunities."
"I loved the beautiful ending and the concept of the second sunset. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability, it rang true in so many respects. Wishing you the best in your life’s adventure!"
"Loved your story and presentation. Wonderful. Take your show on tour!"
- Audience Comment
"Delightful! I admire your courage—then and now!"
"This is a great performance and as a single middle-aged woman touched me to my core. Maybe I too have been waiting my whole life to be middle-aged. It was inspiring!"
"This reminds me of when I sold everything & joined the Peace Corps at 44. Life is a wonder. Spot on—Thank you!"
"Bold, brave, adventurous, and inspiring. Nice to know that all of us can have second sunsets and sunrises. ¡Brava!"
"Writing was clear and concrete with just the right amount of poetry. Pacing was fantastic and the performance was extremely confident. Great job!"
"Your words and spirit delivered from your heart were funny, inspiring and reflected the journey we all make. Beautiful!"
"Engaging story told enthusiastically. It is honest & gives a sense of hope. Being of a similar age, I could relate to much of it. Would recommend to others."
"Beautifully conceived and delivered. Many parts of this so touched me—talk about hitting home! All of this was engaging; I enjoyed your choices (acting and life) and hope to see you again."
"Carrie, you are absolutely marvelous. I’m sorry I cannot provide you with critical feedback because I find nothing that I’d change about your performance. So very happy I was able to see your work on stage!"
"It was delightful & at 65 I am new here and starting a new life. Sometimes I wonder what happens next—do I try online dating? Congratulations on a great, entertaining performance."
​"Very good! Can’t wait for the book."
“Carrie, it was like you read my soul."
- Audience Comment
"Carrie is charming, her storytelling is compelling and eerily familiar although our experiences are quite different. Hers resonates and I find her very courageous."
"She’s adorable! Great energy moves like a dancer—a delight! Thank you, Carrie.”
"Great energy! Charismatic, funny. Keep it up!"
"Amazing! Highly surprised & beyond expectations. Very well done and applicable. Thank you!"
"I loved the ending! I am so grateful for my second sunset. I could identify with the “online” life. You have a great way of putting words together."
"I thought your play & performance was engaging, thought-provoking, humorous, human, and inspiring. Your messages are forthright and honest—some great insights on the human condition and self-reinvention."
"Fabulous—such energy, personality, reality. Beautiful dresses. Fun music. Good success story with lots of ideas & contemplation dealing with change. Thank you for a fun afternoon."
​"Brilliant! Take it on the road—soon!"
Reviews of Carrie’s Memoir
“Classon's story will snare you from page one and keep you engaged to see what happens next in this true story! Simply amazing!"
- Gove County Advocate
​“Blue Yarn is a vivid and inspirational memoir.”
- Justin St. Germain, author of Son of a Gun
“Classon lays herself bare in a way most of us only do in personal journals we hope are never read. Blue Yarn is a reminder that we all are adventurers and must follow our paths to wherever they might lead... a joy to read.”
- The Paris News
​“Starting with a newly single American woman alone, unemployed, homeless and without even her phone, Blue Yarn takes you through the struggles and little victories of a woman seeking answers and peace. Through the mountains of Africa, the beaches in Nigeria and many places in between, Classon finds the answers she is seeking, even if she doesn’t like them. Seamlessly written, this story of despair, loneliness, shock and, finally, peace is one you will remember.”
- The Alvin Sun
​“A triumphal story of self-discovery through travel. Carrie Classon’s Blue Yarn is wisdom won the hard way, unflinching candor with the reader and most importantly, with herself.”
- Gregory Martin, author of Stories for Boys and Mountain City
“Blue Yarn renders a woman's struggle to create her identity with stunning clarity and beauty. When the predictable pillars that shape who we believe we are collapse, what remains? Her journey delights and surprises with its courage, humor, and honesty. This memoir both entertains and enlightens in equal measure.”
- Michelle Brooks, author of Make Yourself Small and Dead Girl, Live Boy
“What does one do when one has lost everything of supposed worth? This is a book that in its epic emotional sweep tells us gently not to despair, not to lose faith, but once free of props to be more truly ourselves.”
- Daniel Mueller, author of How Animals Mate and Nights I Dreamed of Hubert Humphrey
“Classon’s storytelling is honest and insightful. She opens herself up to the emotions and discoveries that influenced the rediscovery of her passions under sometimes harrowing circumstances and learning to value herself in her own right and trust her inner voice.”
- The Mountain Mail
“It's rare when a book can make you cry, laugh and teach you about finding courage, resilience and hope—all at the same time. Difficult to put down, Blue Yarn is a journey of transformation that can't help but transform its readers. Carrie Classon delivers a heart-wrenching and mesmerizing memoir about holding on to her heart and hopes while performing an autopsy on what she believed to be a perfect marriage and love. What a great writer. Blue Yarn is magnificent.”
- The Inter-County Leader
"An inspirational read!”
- The Orange Leader
"Without Classon’s own voyage of self-discovery, this would be only a very entertaining and well-written travelogue. But the discovery and subsequent recovery are there and hard earned. This is a brave, sad, wry, hopeful (and not to mention often hilarious) book."
- Jerry Shea, Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric, University of New Mexico
​“The author shares her profoundly raw thoughts and feelings in this heartfelt memoir. Readers will enjoy the author’s touching tale of perseverance, as she survives true heartbreak after hitting rock-bottom in this smart memoir woven with just the right amount of shock and intrigue.”
- The Clintonville Chronicle
More Reviews from Newspapers
"Carrie is witty, down to earth, yet full of deep thought about everyday life and has a wonderful way of bringing a smile to your face with her words! Our readers look forward to her column every week as if she were a personal friend writing them a letter!"
- Trish Jiles /Publisher - Times-Journal
"Carrie Classon’s column, The Postscript, is a bright spot amidst the climate disasters, politics, and the death count. Many readers have commented on how they enjoy a touch of lightness with her personal stories of her family, friends, and human or canine neighbors."
- Liz Fisher, Editor – Sierra County Prospect
"The Postscript is a wonderful addition to my newspaper. I've had such positive feedback from my readers that if I miss a week, I get calls wondering if it would be in the following issue. The columns are lighthearted and bring a smile. Carrie has a beautiful way with words and connects with the readers like they'd like to have her over for coffee!"
- Lisa LeVasseur Publisher/Editor/Owner - Weston County Gazette
"Carrie takes the flow of life and spins it into shimmering literary effervescence. After reading a few of her columns, you can’t look at the so-called commonplace again without seeing a little more than was there before. She mines the ore of everyday existence and refines it, turns it to pure heart gold."
- Lou Marzeles / Publisher - The Goldendale Sentinel
"Carrie Classon's The Postscript is rich with down-home wisdom, humor, and insight. From its gripping ledes to its impactful conclusions, The Postscript boasts crisply written prose great for readers of all ages. In short, The Postscript is a welcome addition to newspapers everywhere!"
- Jared Boggs / Editor - Troup County News
"Carrie's column each week never fails to bring a chuckle or smile in a world that seems like it's always surrounded by such depressing news. She's not only one of our most consistently read columnists, but one of our most popular."
- Micah Choquette / Publisher - Sapulpa Times
"As an editor, I am always on the lookout for columns that are entertaining and well-written and will resonate with our readers. Carrie’s articles fill the bill and do it with charm, wit, and empathy for her audience. Her “voice” comes through her stories, which makes her feel like she’s talking just to you."
- From our readers:
“Oh, my goodness, that sounds just like me and my husband!”
“Reading her articles always makes me feel better!”
“I read her articles first, then the rest of the paper!!”
—Lorraine Austin / Editor – Schuyler County Times
"To borrow from a familiar adage, Carrie Classon is a breath of fresh air. Her journalism is down to earth and the experiences about which she writes leaves the reader with a comforting sense of empathy. If The Postscript were a cake, Carrie’s obvious passion for life would be the frosting."
- Rick Norton / Editor - Cleveland Daily Banner
"The Postscript by Carrie Classon is always written in such a way as to take the reader down this gentle path—sprinkled with humor—about real-life situations. It is a joy to read in times of stress and a great pick-me-up when things are less trying. I believe that anyone looking for a few minutes of mental massage could benefit from reading The Postscript ."
- Lee McLane / Editor - The Beebe News
"Readers love The Postscript. Through her cadenced prose, Carrie Classon simplifies our complex lives and analyzes human behavior through her observations of nature, pets, and husbands. Each column is a feast for the senses. I can smell the puppies, feel the wind in the pines, and hear the hummingbirds fight."
- J. D. Meisner / Publisher - Cimarron Valley Weekender
"The Burlington Record enjoys Carrie Classon’s down-to-earth reaction to the crazy world we live in."
- Lucky Gripe / Editor - The Burlington Record
"The humor and compassion you express in your columns speak perfectly to the true meaning of "community." There's a widespread misconception that nobody reads newspapers anymore, but I know it's not true. People will always seek out great writing on topics that touch their lives, and I think The Postscript does that."
- Tim Spitzack / Editor – St. Paul Voice
"The Postscript is an uplifting, whimsical piece of writing that takes a look at everyday life with a feel-good and positive attitude. "
- Brian McBride / Editor - Osceola News-Gazette
"Readers have told us they really enjoy finding The Postscript in the Record each week. Carrie's humorous, yet serious take on everyday life events and happenings keep the reading interesting and entertaining. "
- The Cold Spring Record
"The Postscript is enlightening, humorous and fun to read. It is one of our readers' favorites."
- Roger Dillon / Editor - The Shannon County Current
"Carrie continually gives our readers a heartfelt column that is full of fun and entertaining writing!"
- Adam Rhodes / Editor - East Prairie Eagle & Enterprise-Courier
"Carrie has the ability to touch people at different levels—humor most often but also on a very human and personal level. I often chuckle as I follow along, sometimes laugh out loud, and every now and then shed a tear. I hear the same from our readers. To be able to pull those kinds of emotions out of your audience takes talent—and Carrie has plenty."
- Tim Timmons | CEO - Sagamore News Media
"Carrie Classon’s column The Postscript is a delightful addition to the Judith Basin Press. We are told by subscribers how much they enjoy it every time we publish her column. Serious, yet with levity, humorous, yet with thoughtfulness."
- Melody Montgomery / Editor - Judith Basin Press
"The Postscript, written by Carrie Classon, has been a great asset to our publication, The Lamar Democrat, a weekly newspaper in Lamar, Mo. Her weekly article, The Postscript, is a favorite to many in our community as several enjoy her quick wit and humor while intertwining realities of life."
- Melody Metzger, Lamar Democrat editor/publisher
"Since we began running Carrie Classon’s The Postscript column it has become a welcome Tuesday paper staple. Her lighter look at life is a breath of fresh air in times that have been and continue to be very turbulent. All of the feedback we get from readers regarding her column has been positive."
- Curt Nettinga, Managing Editor - Huron Plainsman
"The Postscript is a breath of fresh air in a world that finds excuses to search out the negative. Carrie brings a new perspective to the way one looks at the hustle and bustle around them. Instead of joining into the chaos, she brings focus on the smaller things which add value to our lives. The Postscript is a weekly reminder to stop and take a moment to reflect on the positive in our lives, from hummingbirds in need of a curfew to taking the time to visit with each dog while out for a walk."
- Dawn Burleigh / Editor - The Orange Leader
"The Postscript has been a pleasant addition to our newspaper, and nice a break from our typical columns. It is refreshing, down to earth, well-written, and always has a pleasant message. We have received several compliments about it, even from a couple of our other columnists."
- Jeff Gilliland / Managing Editor - The Times-Gazette
"The Postscript has been a pleasant addition to our newspaper, and nice a break from our typical columns. It is refreshing, down to earth, well-written, and always has a pleasant message. We have received several compliments about it, even from a couple of our other columnists."
- Jeff Gilliland / Managing Editor - The Times-Gazette
"I always enjoy reading Carrie's stories while I'm putting the papers together. Sometimes her topics are funny and other times they are extremely relatable. I know I appreciate the work she does, and I'm sure our readers do, too. If you need something to brighten your day, The Postscript is sure to do just that!"
- Sabrina Hutton / Editor - The Aransas Pass Progress/The Ingleside Index
"The Postscript is a great addition to our paper and provides a bit of humor to our readers in these trying times. Readers have stated they enjoy the column and look forward to reading it each week."
- Marcus Dykes / Editor - The Chadron Record
"We have been running The Postscript in our newspaper for more than a year now and our readers roundly love it. With so many negative things in the news lately, I think readers just like to look forward to something a little more lighthearted and relatable. The Postscript definitely fits the bill!"
- Kent Rose / Editor, The Wray Gazette, Wray, CO
"Through Carrie’s eyes, even a plain ordinary day can be full of surprises."
- Robert Corf / Editor – The Hale Horizons