
Memoir Germinator
Are you writing your memoir?
Have you thought of writing it?
Would you like to, but have no idea how to start?

Memories are like hot coals. There is a reason they are still burning. We remember things because those memories have fuel within them. They still have something to teach us. They are still hot to the touch.
Every week, I tell a story to my readers. I try to stop time long enough to make sense of this wild, short, breathtaking ride. I look for the extraordinary in the ordinary. I make meaning of experiences that might not seem to matter.
I love telling my stories, but I’m also passionate about helping others tell their amazing and unique stories.
In this workshop, we will take the first steps of telling your story. We’ll discover where the coals are still hot. We’ll figure out where we want to stop time. We’ll make meaning together.
There is no one on the planet who is more qualified to tell your story than you. Let’s start today!
Carrie Classon is a nationally syndicated columnist with Andrews McMeel Universal (along with her gal pals, Dear Abby and Miss Manners!) She is read in 200 papers nationwide. She has an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the University of New Mexico, has written a traditionally published memoir, Blue Yarn, several plays, and more than 600 published columns. Her first novel, Loon Point, will be released by Lake Union in February 2026. She has two other novels in progress.

I am a firm believer that, like the sculptor who frees the figure from the stone, writers discover their stories as they write them. I have found success in writing in direct proportion to how completely I allowed the story to be what it wanted to be.”